☽ Asterion's LabyrinthIndex About "Labyrinths were symbolic of the involvements and illusions of the lower world through which wanders the soul of man in its search for truth. In the labyrinth dwells the lower animal man with the head of the bull, who seeks to destroy the soul entangled in the maze of worldly ignorance." -eyeofhorus.neocities.org About This Blog I think this blog can be described as the story of a dejected, confused teen trying to understand the world around him. I think. I'm not totally self-aware. Anyway, I talk about my interests here. Might talk about myself once in a while also, but don't count on it. Code to my button: ♡ Copy my code if you'd like. About Me Online, I go by Asterion. I'm an 18 year old male living in the Midwestern United States. Personality type: INTP Favorite movie: Contact You can contact me publicly on my profile, or privately at asterion108 [at] protonmail [dot] com. I would put a PGP key here if I knew how that worked.